Edizione: 2009
Pagine: 196
Collana: University Press on-line
Serie: Studi Anglo-Germanici e dell’Europa Orientale
ISBN carta: 9788842088547
Argomenti: Linguistica e semiotica

From Body to Web

An Introduction to the Web as Corpus
Maristella Gatto
In this book the web's controversial status as a corpus is investigated on both theoretical and applicative grounds. While the notion of a linguistic corpus as a body of texts rests on some related issues such as finite size, balance, permanence, the very idea of a web of texts brings about notions of non-finiteness, flexibility, provisionality. It is against this background that the book revisits key issues in corpus linguistics from the perspective of the web and explores the new issues that the emerging notion of the web as corpus possibly raises.
Edizione: 2009
Pagine: 196
Collana: University Press on-line
ISBN: 9788842088547


Maristella Gatto

Maristella Gatto is Lecturer in English Language and Translation at the University of Bari. She has published on contemporary Irish poetry, translation and tourism discourse.

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