Edition: 2018
Pages: 192
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842043560

Dialogue on Method.

Paul K. Feyerabend


By means of an imaginary dialogue - surprising and ironic - between one who believes he knows, and one who knows he doesn't know, Feyerabend causes reflection on science and prejudice, school and authoritarianism, medicine and astrology, and on many other crucially topical themes for modern culture. The paradoxes, provocations, unconventionality which have made Feyerabend famous world-wide.

The author

Paul K. Feyerabend

Paul K. Feyerabend (Wien 1924 - Geneva 1994) was a historian and philosopher of science of great polemical verve. He taught Philosophy at the University of California at Berkeley, and the Philosophy of Science at the Polytechnic of Zurich. His most famous book is Contro il metodo (Milan 19915). Laterza has published: Scienza come arte (1984), Dialogo sul metodo (19955), Dialoghi sulla conoscenza (1991), as well as two essays in L. Preta (ed.), Immagini e metafore della scienza (19932), and in M. Ceruti, P. Fabbri, G. Giorello and L. Preta (eds.), Il caso e la libertà (1994). Laterza also published the first world edition of Ammazzando il tempo. Un'autobiografia (1994) which has been translated into Spanish, and is currently being translated into Japanese and Brazilian.

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