Edition: 2011
Pages: 716
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842048855

History of Women in the West. The Twentieth Century

Georges Duby - Michelle Perrot (direttori)


This volume concludes the reprinting in the Economica Laterza series of the most original and important historiographical undertaking in publishing in the 1990s. This fifth and final volume provides an up-to-date account of the conquests which now influence the female condition.

The authors

Georges Duby

Georges Duby (b. 1919 d. 1996) is one of the greatest historians of the Middle Ages. For over twenty years he taught at the Collège de France. Together with Michelle Perrot, he edited the five volumes of the History of Women in The West and Images of Women. With Philippe Ariès he edited the Private Life series.

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Michelle Perrot

Michelle Perrot is a well-known scholar of contemporary history.

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