Edition: 1996
Pages: 274
Series: IR
ISBN: 9788842049555

1946 The Birth of the Republic

Maurizio Ridolfi, Nicola Tranfaglia


The birth of the Italian Republic is a fundamental and decisive step in the understanding of the vices and virtues of the past fifty years. Through often previously unpublished documents, Ridolfi and Tranfaglia reconstruct this step and shed new light on the current difficult institutional transition.

The authors

Maurizio Ridolfi

Maurizio Ridolfi is a researcher in Contemporary History at the University of Viterbo. He studies in particular processes of politicization and forms of sociability. For Laterza he has published Il PSI e la nascita di un partito di massa. 1892-1922 (1992). He has devoted several works to the republican tradition in Italian history, amongst which: Il partito della Repubblica (1872-1895) (1989).

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Nicola Tranfaglia

Nicola Tranfaglia is Professor Emeritus at the University of Turin, where he taught European History and the History of Journalism. He writes for "La Stampa", "Unità" and "E Polis". His most recent works include: Fascism and Modernization in Europe (Turin 2001); How the Republic was Born, 1943-1947 (Milan 2004); Ministers and Journalists. The war and the Minculpop (Turin 2005); and The Regime's Press, 1932-1943 (Milan 2005).

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