Edition: 1998
Pages: 310
Series: BCM
ISBN: 9788842054603

European Philosophy Yearbook

Gianni Vattimo, Jacques Derrida (a cura di)


Are law and justice complementary or alternatives? Is the interpretation of the law a subsidiary activity of the same, or does it belong to its essence? Italian and foreign jurists discuss these questions in the context of Pascal's thinking.

The authors

Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida (El Biar, Algeri, 1930) teaches at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and at the University of California at Irvine. For Laterza he has published, amongst other works, La mano di Heidegger (1991) and edited La religione. Annuario Filosofico Europeo (with G. Vattimo, 1995).

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Gianni Vattimo

Gianni Vattimo (b. Turin, 1936) is one of Europe’s most celebrated philosophers. He teaches at the University of Turin. Among his most recent publications, we recall: Believing one Believes (Milan 1996); Twentieth-Century Atlas (Turin 2000); and, After Christianity (Milan 2002).

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