Edition: 2000
Pages: 236
Series: BUL
ISBN: 9788842061175

Unarmed in Battle. History of Women 1940-1945.

Anna Bravo, Anna Maria Bruzzone


A war that calls for women but fears their femininity, that draws them out of their homes but leaves them responsible for its sustenance; in which women act and submit, are arrested, violated, deported; in which women develop an unarmed resistance which will prove decisive in the outcome of the war.
Starting from Turin and the Piedmontese countryside, through the biographical accounts and documents from the archives, this book tells a story that has been excluded from history, and poses questions on the status of war as a short cut or a hindrance to modernity, on violence or denial of violence, on why so much has been written about armed resistance and political strategies and so little about civil resistance and spontaneous battles, so much about men, so little about women.

The authors

Anna Bravo

Anna Bravo was associate professor of Social History at the University of Turin. She has written extensively on the history of women, memory, the history of deportation, genocide, armed and civil resistance. She only started to write about the 60s and 70s in Italy after controversies raised by an article she published on violence and abortion in the seventies. But like many others who lived through those times, she had long reflected on their significance. Her most recent published works include: The Photo story (Bologna 2003); ‘The Righteous’ in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (Italian version edited by Alberto Cavaglion, Turin 2003); the essay Us and Violence. Thirty Years to Think About Us, published in the first edition of “Genesis” (2005).

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Anna Maria Bruzzone

Anna Maria Bruzzone teaches literature subjects in secondary schools, she has published: La Resistenza taciuta (con R. Farina, 1976), Le donne di Ravensbrück (con L. Rolfi, 1978), Ci chiamavano matti. Voci da un ospedale psichiatrico (1979) (1979) as well as school textbooks.

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