Edition: 2010
Pages: 216
Series: UL
ISBN: 9788842081173

The Multicultural Mind

Luigi Anolli



Nowadays the monocultural mind is a device that is crucial for the acquisition of the home culture and to define one’s identity, but it is also a limit because it encourages people to see cultures as inadequate or even as a threat. In current social conditions we need to promote a multicultural mind, capable of acquiring and managing a multiplicity of cultural models distinct from one another in terms of faith, values, emotions and practices. The challenge of the future is to train people to have a multicultural mind, able to co-exist in a more tolerant, just and free pluralist world.

The author

Luigi Anolli

Luigi Anolli is professor of Psychology of Communication at the University Milan-Bicocca. He also directs the Centre of Studies for Communicational Sciences (CESCOM). His most recent publications include: Psychology of Culture (Bologna 2004); The Hidden Structure of Interaction (with S. Duncan Jr., M.S. Magnusson and G. Riva, Amsterdam 2005); Foundations of Communicational Psychology (Bologna 2006).

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