Edition: 2009
Pages: 168
Series: LDT
ISBN: 9788842088394

Sociologies of Time

Carmen Leccardi


Finis Terrae (Latin America) - Finis Terrae (Cile)



The acceleration of social rhythms is a common economic strategy that produces on a daily basis a widespread cult of urgency, eroding the possibility of control by individuals, who instead must cope with a climate of uncertainty and a feeling that the future is impossible to govern. Our relationship with time has been transformed and this has changed the way we interpret experience. Carmen Leccardi examines the temporal cultures of the new millennium and their human consequences, in particular for women and young people, but also looks at possible responses to this crisis and the new lifestyles and knowledge it brings.

The author

Carmen Leccardi

Carmen Leccardi teaches Sociology of Culture at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where she also acts on behalf of the Chancellor to resolve gender issues. Vice-President for Europe (with Carles Feixa) of the research group into young people of the International Sociological Association, she co-directed the review "Time&Society" from 1998 to 2008. Her most recent publications include: Between the Genders. Reinterpreting differences in gender, generation and sexual orientation (editor, Milan 2002); Sociology of Daily Life (with P. Jedlowski, Bologna 2003); and, A New Youth? (editor, with E. Ruspini, Aldershot 2006).

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