Edition: 2018
Pages: 298
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842095576

Diaspora. The history of Jews in the twentieth century

Anna Foa



"My twentieth century begins around 1880 and ends in the 1970s. It opens with the emigration to America and concludes with Europe's loss of standing and the increasing affirmation of the American Jewish world and Israel. Two crucial moments of transformation that concern all Jews, everywhere."

An important book both methodologically speaking and for its content. An engrossing excursus that begins in the last twenty years of the nineteenth century and recounts the Jewish experience up to recent times. Anna Foa lucidly demonstrates how the Shoah, which swept everything away, was nonetheless 'foreign' to the Jewish experience, to that richness and complexity expressed by the twentieth century, at least as much as the horror.
Elena Loewenthal, Tuttolibri

Gripping prose. Anna Foa describes the history of the new Jewish identity that was formed in the encounter with modernity, a multifaceted identity with many unpredictable aspects that still awaits comprehension and completion.
Lucetta Scaraffia, Corriere della Sera

The author

Anna Foa

Anna Foa taught Modern History at the University of Rome La Sapienza. She has worked on the history of culture in the early modern age and the history of the Jews. Her publications include: Ateismo e magia; Giordano Bruno; Eretici. Storie di streghe, ebrei e convertiti; Andare per ghetti e giudecche; Cicerone o il Regno della parola (with V. Pavoncello); Andare per i luoghi di confino. For Laterza she published: Ebrei in Europa. Dalla Peste Nera all’emancipazione XIV-XIX secolo; Diaspora. Storia degli ebrei nel Novecento; Portico d’Ottavia 13. Una casa del ghetto nel lungo inverno del ’43; La famiglia F.; Gli ebrei in Italia. I primi 2000 anni (a coedition with Princeton UP).

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