Edition: 2024
Pages: 110
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788858109106

“Resist, heart...”. Ulysses’ Choice

Eva Cantarella



If man acts according to the gods’ will, and if to this will he cannot oppose his own, then he is not free when he acts. Ulysses knew it was difficult to ignore the will of the gods and that, if he did, he would encounter the anger of the offended divinity. But he nonetheless felt he could choose his own path, if only his will was strong enough: this choice is the history of a slow realization, of a fundamental, drawn out and difficult conquest, and of an extraordinary human ‘invention’.

The author

Eva Cantarella

Eva Cantarella is an internationally renowned scholar of the ancient world. She teaches Ancient Greek Law at the University of Milan. Among her most recent publications, we recall here: According to Nature. Bisexuality in the ancient world (Rizzoli 1987); Capital Punishment. The origins and functions of the death penalty in Greece and Rome (Rizzoli 1991); Ithaca. Heroes, Women and Power from Revenge to Law (Feltrinelli 2002); Love is a God. Sex and the polis (Feltrinelli 2007); The Return of the Vendetta (Rizzoli 2008); Give me a Thousand Kisses (Feltrinelli 2009).

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