Edition: 2014
Pages: 64
Series: iCL
ISBN: 9788858111680

Little Caesar

Giusto Traina



“Around ninety years before the birth of Christ, Gaio Giulio Cesare is a child of seven, living in Rome, the biggest city in the world. A glorious future awaits him. He will conquer far off lands, be worshipped by his people, rise to the office of praetor, consul and emperor. He will defeat what can be defeated, extending his rule to the ends of the earth. But for now he is a little boy like all the others, still too young to go to war but big enough to lead a gang of companions. He is not lacking in courage. Even if it means facing down a lion that is roaming free in the city, whose roar makes the very earth tremble. How could he be afraid? Ahead of him are battles, Roman legions, the muffled shouts of pirates, the surrender of enemies, the leader’s mantel, the chill of Germany and the warmth of Egypt.”

Little Caesardescribes the life of a child in Rome in the last century before Christ, his schooling, his games, and his adventures in the city streets. It is inspired by the life of Gaio Giulio Cesare (circa 101 BC-44 BC), one of the most important historical figures of all time. We follow little Caesar on his adventures, as courageous and audacious as the ones that he will undertake as an adult. As he grows up we discover the battles, the victories in Gaul, the eternal rivalry with Pompey, the challenge of the Rubicon, the consequences of his unbridled ambition, and of power and conquest.

The author

Giusto Traina

Giusto Traina teaches Roman history at the Paris-Sorbonne University. Among his works: 428 dopo Cristo. Storia di un anno (2007); La resa di Roma. Battaglia a Carre, 9 giugno 53 a.C. (2010, winner of the Cherasco History Award 2011); La Storia Speciale (2020).

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