Climate Liars. The power, politics, and psychology of those who deny the crisis of the century
A detailed inquiry into the power players, their interests, and the ways the climate crisis has been concealed from the world for the past thirty years.
The first big lie that gets told about the climate emergency is that human beings are not responsible for it. The second is that all human beings are equally responsible for it. There’s a reason behind the fact that there’s no existing effective global climate policy, that temperatures continue to rise, and that ecosystems are collapsing. How did we get to this point? This book not only answers that question, it reframes the entire environmental question, turning it on its head. By looking at the issues through the lens of climate change denialism, this book says what always gets hushed up: when scientists began sounding the alarm, fossil fuel industries couldn’t let their business interests be compromised. This was back in the 1970s, and ever since then the denialist lobbies – which are backed by the fossil fuel industry, as well as politicians, think tanks, pressure groups, media platforms, front groups, and fake experts - have mounted the largest cover-up operation in recent history. Denialism does not stop at erasing reality. It constructs an alternative one that has a single element at its center: deception. The disinformation tactics used for spreading scientific lies about coronavirus were stolen straight from the climate disinformation playbook. And while the issues may be scientific, denying them renders them political. In fact, the climate, just like the coronavirus, has become a political issue. We see this in the alignment between denialist positions and sovereignist, populist attitudes. Until now, the world has lived out a lie promoted by the climate disinformation campaign. This book exposes the climate liars’ ideological machine, their arguments, and how they’ve constructed a truly alternate reality to the facts of science.
I bugiardi del clima
I bugiardi del clima
Levantesi \"Lobby, media, politica e social. La macchina perfetta del negazionismo climatico\"
I bugiardi del clima
I bugiardi del clima
I bugiardi del clima
I bugiardi del clima