Edition: 2024
Pages: 272
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858154250

Ways of Meditation. Judaism Christianity Islam

Paolo Branca - Federico Dal Bo - Valentina Duca



What is meditation? When we speak of “meditation”, we are referring primarily to the set of practices of concentration and recollection that are typical of many Eastern philosophies or religions, and that aim to achieve knowledge and personal well-being. But there is a broader meaning of the term, by which we mean any activity of recollection aimed at encountering an absolute dimension. In this sense, it is possible to trace paths of meditation even in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In each of these traditions there are different understandings of meditation and its practices: this book introduces them to us.

The authors

Paolo Branca

Paolo Branca is Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Milan. He specialises in the relationship between Islam and the modern world.

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Federico Dal Bo

Federico Dal Bo is a researcher in Hebrew at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. His last publication is Il linguaggio della violenza (Clueb 2020).

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Valentina Duca

Valentina Duca is a researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. For years she has been working on Eastern and Western Christian tradition, in particular on contemplative and mystical experience.

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