Edition: 2025
Pages: 240
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858156582

The Perfect Speech. Public Speaking with the Classics

Laura Suardi



We owe to the classical world—think Aristotle and Cicero—some of the most effective techniques for persuading an audience. This book reveals how these timeless principles remain extraordinarily relevant and impactful even today. 

What makes the perfect speech? It’s one that convinces, inspires action, communicates ideas, teaches, and leaves a lasting impression. This was true in Homer’s time, just as it is today. And by returning to the wisdom of the classics, we uncover invaluable guidance for mastering the art of speaking.
The ultimate authority on this subject is Cicero, who, in De Oratore, outlines a five-step method. It begins with inventio: finding the strongest ideas to support our position. Next comes dispositio: arranging those ideas in the most effective order. Then elocutio, the most delicate step, where we choose the perfect words, craft rhythm, and skillfully use rhetorical devices—the “special effects” of language. The fourth step, memoria, teaches us how to speak with confidence, whether improvising, reading, or delivering a memorized text. Finally, actio focuses on the power of delivery—using voice, gaze, and gestures to make our words resonate.

The author

Laura Suardi

Laura Suardi, after a PhD in Philology and Literature of the Ancient World, teaches Greek and Latin at the Liceo Classico Parini in Milan, where she has been holding the Rhetoric Workshop for students since 2016. She has translated and commented on the classics, including Sophocles, Tacitus, Cicero and Plato. Her publications include Euripide e Lisia(Milano 2000), Amori mitici. Edipo e Giocasta (Milano 2024) e Amori mitici. Alcesti e Admeto (Milano 2024).

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