Pages: 144
Series: IR/L
ISBN: 9788858135815
The Nation of Plants
Other Press (English US); Profile (English UK); Albin Michel (French); Klett Cotta (German); Galaxia Gutenberg (Castilian, Catalan); Bertrand (Portuguese/Portugal); Cossee (Dutch); Forest Book Co. (Korean); Duku (Chinese Simpl.); Alfa (Turkish); Bombora/Eksmo (Russian); Ubu (Portuguese in Brazil)
The First Charter of Rights of Living Beings written by the plants. Finally the Nation of Plants, the most important, widespread, and powerful nation on Earth, has spoken.
«Inspired by my by now decades-long familiarity with plants, I have fantasized that these dear fellow travelers of ours, like loving parents, after having made our lives possible and noting our incapacity to ensure our own survival, have come to our aid. How so? By drafting for us a true and proper constitution on which to build our future as beings respectful of the Earth and our fellow living beings. There are eight articles in the Constitution of the Nation of Plants, as their are eight fundamental pillars sustaining the life of plants, and thus the lives of all living beings. »
... from the introduction
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