Edition: 1993
Pages: 700
Series: EDS
ISBN: 9788842043140

History of Philosophy. Vol. 1. Antiquity

Carlo Augusto Viano, Pietro B. Rossi (a cura di)


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The authors

Pietro B. Rossi

Pietro Rossi is professor emeritus of the University of Turin, where he taught History of Philosophy and later Philosophy of History. He is national resident member and currently vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Turin, as well as corresponding member of the Lincean Academy.

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Carlo Augusto Viano

Carlo Augusto Viano taught History of Philosophy at the Universities of Milan, Cagliari and Turin. He was a member of the National Bioethics Commission, and sat on the Managing Committee of the "Rivista di filosofia" of the European Academy and Academy of Sciences of Turin. In 2005 he published The Impostures of the Ancients and the Miracles of the Moderns (Turin).

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