Pages: 118
Series: PL
ISBN: 9788842086536
Freedom, Justice, Laicism. In memory of Paolo Sylos Labini
The authors
Alessandro Roncaglia
Alessandro Roncaglia is professor of Economic Politics at the Faculty of Statistical Sciences in the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and corresponding member of the Lincean Academy.
Scopri l'autorePietro B. Rossi
Pietro Rossi is professor emeritus of the University of Turin, where he taught History of Philosophy and later Philosophy of History. He is national resident member and currently vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Turin, as well as corresponding member of the Lincean Academy.
Scopri l'autoreMassimo L. Salvadori
Massimo L. Salvadori is professor emeritus at the University of Turin. He was visiting professor at Columbia and Harvard Universities. He is also a regular contributor to the Italian daily La Repubblica. Several of his books have been translated into English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese. Most recently, he published The Idea of Progress. Can we do without it? (Rome 2006) and Divided Italy. The tormented conscience of a nation (Rome 2007). With Laterza, amongst other works, he is the author of: The Socialist Opportunity in the Age of Globalisation (2001); The Left in Italian History (20013); The Anxieties of the Omnipotent Man (2003);The Americans’ Europe. From the founding fathers to Roosevelt (2005); The Twentieth Century. An introduction (20105); Democracies Without Democracy (20113).
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