Edition: 2001
Pages: 278
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842063926
Pages: 278
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842063926
The Left in Italian History
«To provide a concise, but not schematic interpretation of events in the history of the Italian Left is undoubtedly a difficult and risky enterprise. The merit of Massimo L. Salvadori, who carries out this enterprise with brilliant results, is above all the clarity of style with which he presents his thesis - what he writes may give rise to discussion or even downright refutation - but the work has an intrinsic and profound coherence of its own» Nicola Tranfaglia "La Stampa".
This edition was updated in the wake of the results of the May 2001 elections. Presenting a first assessment of the role of the Italian Left in the twentieth century.
This edition was updated in the wake of the results of the May 2001 elections. Presenting a first assessment of the role of the Italian Left in the twentieth century.