Edition: 2024
Pages: 440
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842068877

The Triumph of the Middle Classes. 1848-1875

Eric J. Hobsbawm


"The dramatic origins of the middle classes: an incisive analysis of the dawn of globalization in the contemporary world."
Rosario Villari

The author

Eric J. Hobsbawm

Eric J. Hobsbawm (Alexandria, 1917), Fellow of the British Academy and Honorary Fellow of King's College Cambridge, has taught since 1959 at Birkbeck College at London University. Of his books published in Italian by Laterza we mention: Lavoro, cultura e mentalità nella società industriale (1990), Le rivoluzioni borghesi (19912), L'età degli imperi. 1875-1914 (19923), Gramsci in Europa e in America (1995).

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