Edition: 2007
Pages: 422
Series: SS
ISBN: 9788842079118

From Resistance to Desistance. Italy of the “Ponte” (1945-1947)

Mario Isnenghi


In newly liberated Florence, between August 1944 and April 1945, Piero Calamandrei and his circle of intellectual friends become increasingly convinced of the need to report on the climate of social unrest and ferment in Italy through the establishment of a review, able to bring together issues and respond to cultural needs that were acutely felt by those who were finally emerging from a thirty year period of compromises and of painful choices and non-choices. The "Ponte" was the result, an inter-generational bridge that recognised the need to look beyond Italy's boundaries, to make peace with memory, with fascism, with the choice of the Republic and to face the rebirth of conflict - internal and international - between parties, ideologies and States. Introduced by a sweeping interpretational fresco by Mario Isnenghi, the book contains numerous articles by Piero Calamandrei and a host of other personalities/authors dating from the first three years of the "Ponte" "Ponte" (1945-1947). The articles reflect the period of transition and renewal during which Calamandrei addressed the issues of marginality, fence-sitting, the compromises of yesterday and today - in a word, desistance - that was the hallmark of his generation and that had enabled abominations of reason. This volume, which is part of a general plan to republish the works of Piero Calamandrei edited by Sergio Luzzatto, comes after Men and Cities of the Resistance. Speeches, writings and epigraphs and War Zone. Letters, essays and discourses (1915-1924) both published in 2006.

The author

Mario Isnenghi

Mario Isnenghi taught at the Universities of Padua, Turin and Venice. He is President of the Venetian Institute for the History of the Resistance and of Contemporary Society, co-editor of Belfagor and editor of Venetica. His works, which have been reprinted on several occasions, include: The Myth of the Great War from Martinetti to Malaparte (1970); The Italians’ Wars (1989); Italy in the Piazza (1994); The Great War 1914-1918 (with G. Rochat, 2000); Garibaldi was Injured (2007). For UTET he edited the series Italians at War. Conflicts, identity, memories from the Risorgimento to today (2008-2009). For Laterza he edited three volumes of the seriesThe Places of Memory (People and Dates in a United Italy, 20102; Symbols and Myths of a United Italy, 20103; Places and Events of a United Italy, 20102) and is the author of From Resistance to Desistence. Italy of the “Ponte” (1945-1947) (2007) and 1915. Five Ways of Going to War in Twentieth-Century Italy (with other authors, 20112).

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