What Americans Think (And Why They Are So Unlike Us)
“What makes us American?” asks the voice in the official video on American citizenship. The answer is simple: “A four-page document drafted more than 200 years ago, the Constitution: a document defining the form of government of the United States. It is the principles of our Constitution that unites us as a nation.” Cardinal principles from which much is derived: from the principle of citizenship not based on ethnic identity, as in Europe, but on adherence to an ideological-political creed; to that of equality based on equal opportunity and therefore on a strict meritocracy; to giving understood as a form of ‘restitution’ to society, and therefore as a moral obligation rather than a free act of generosity; to the importance of explaining the extraordinary gravity of lies.
Behind a deceptively superficial appearance, America is a profoundly different country to any European nation.
Cosa pensano gli americani (e perché sono così diversi da noi)
Americani, quindi migliori
di Maurizio Viroli
Cosa pensano gli americani (e perché sono così diversi da noi)
essenza dell'identità americana
di Salvo Fallica
Cosa pensano gli americani (e perché sono così diversi da noi)
Tutti uguali, contando su se stessi
di Massimo Teodori