Edition: 2022
Pages: 172
Series: BEL
ISBN: 9788842071341
Subject area: Filosofia

Pragmatics of Language

Claudia Bianchi



Understanding the mechanisms of communication and investigating the dense interweave of relations between the word and speakers. A study that concerns both linguistics and logic, law and psychology, sociology and anthropology.

The author

Claudia Bianchi

Claudia Bianchi is Professor of Philosophy of Language at the Vita Salute University San Raffaele in Milan. Her interests range from theoretical issues in the fields of analytic philosophy of language to pragmatics, and the philosophy of feminist language. She is president of the board that oversees the course of study in Philosophy at the University San Raffaele of Milan and is part of the steering committee of the Gender Centre (Interfaculty Centre for Gender Studies) and of SWIP Italia (Society for Women in Philosophy). Laterza published her Pragmatica del linguaggioin 2003 and Pragmatica cognitive: I meccanismi della comunicazione in 2009.

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