Edition: 2012
Pages: 256
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842099765

The happiness of democracy. A Dialogue

Ezio Mauro - Gustavo Zagrebelsky



Why democracy? This rhetorical question opens the dialogue between Ezio Mauro and Gustavo Zagrebelsky and measures the distance between what democracy should be and what, in reality, it is.

Democracy is the ideal of our time. But democracy is a highly complaisant system of government. It can stretch to include many things and still be called democracy. This is why its state of health or effectiveness, which lies in its ability to maintain promises, ought to be a cause for concern. Is it not odd, in fact, that the maximum spatial extension of democracy has coincided with insecurity, or rather a growing scepticism, one that is both commonplace and diffuse? This democratic disenchantment is becoming increasingly widespread, not between those who frequent the circles of power, but among those who are excluded. It is the sign that democracy, as a political ideal, is becoming blurred, is completing a half-circle: from below to above.

The authors

Ezio Mauro

Since 1996 Ezio Mauro has been editor-in-chief of la Repubblica. With Laterza he published The Happiness of Democracy. A dialogue (with Gustavo Zagrebelsky).

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Gustavo Zagrebelsky

Gustavo Zagrebelskyis professor emeritus of the University of Turin. His most recent publications include: Principles and Votes (2006); Learning Democracy (2007); The Law and Its Justice (2009). With Laterza he has published: Rights and the Constitution in the European Union; In Praise of Doubt. Interview on ethics and law; Against the Ethics of Truth; Trading Places. State and Church and the governance of man; The Happiness of Democracy. A dialogue (with Ezio Mauro); Against the Dictatorship of Now. Why we must talk about the ends.

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