Edition: 2018
Pages: 170
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788858125540


Zygmunt Bauman - Ezio Mauro


Polity Press (English worldwide), Zahar (Portuguese in Brazil), Editorial Trotta (Spanish worldwide), Viena Edicions (Catalan), Ayrinti (Turkish), CNRS (French)



Suspended between the ‘no longer’ and ‘not yet’, ours is an indecipherable time of interregnum. It is Babel.

We live in the open sea, in constant flux, with no fixed point or instrument for measuring the weight and distance of things. Nothing seems to be in its place anymore; much appears to no longer have a place. We cannot see the direction in which we are moving, so we plough across unknown territory, in no particular order.

The principles that have underpinned the Republican ethos, the system of rules which has shaped power relations and the procedures for their legitimization, for establishing and ordering common values, up to our present-day behaviour and lifestyles, must be rethought from scratch because they no longer appear suited to living in and understanding a world that has been subject to an overwhelming spatial extension and at the same time an unprecedented global contraction.

The authors

Zygmunt Bauman

Zygmunt Bauman is among the best known and most influential thinkers in the world. It is to him that we owe the dazzling definition of ‘liquid modernity’, of which he is one of the most acute observers. Professor emeritus of Sociology in the Universities of Leeds and Warsaw, Laterza has published almost all of his writing, including: Inside Globalization, Community. Seeking safety in an insecure world, Liquid Modernity, Interview on Identity (edited by Benedetto Vecchi), Society under Siege, Liquid Love, Wasted Lives. Modernity and its Outcasts, Liquid Life, Modus Vivendi. Hell and Utopia of the Liquid World, Liquid Fear, I Consume, Therefore I Am, The Art of Living, Parasitic Capitalism, Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers?, Living on Borrowed Time: Conversations with Citlali Rovirosa-Madrazo, ‘The Wealth of the few Benefits Most’. False!, Collateral Damage, The Sixth Power. Surveillance in liquid modernity (with D. Lyon), The Demon of Fear, Conversations on God and on Man (with S. Obirek).

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Ezio Mauro

Since 1996 Ezio Mauro has been editor-in-chief of la Repubblica. With Laterza he published The Happiness of Democracy. A dialogue (with Gustavo Zagrebelsky).

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