Edition: 2024
Pages: 320
Series: CSL
ISBN: 9788858145173

Bitter Adriatic. A long history of violence

Raoul Pupo



The lands of the eastern Adriatic were a laboratory for political violence in the 20th century: this book masterfully reconstructs its stages.
The fierce violence unleashed by the intertwining of nationalisms and rivalries on the eastern border of the Adriatic retold by of one of the most accredited historians of the subject.

Street clashes, fires, military rebellions such as the one led by D'Annunzio, fascist squads, thwarted revolutions, police state, persecution of national minorities, terrorism, convictions by the fascist special tribunal, anti-Jewish pogroms, partisan struggle, war on civilians, massacres, deportations, death factories like the Risiera di San Sabba, sinkholes, grassroots violence and state violence, uprooting of entire national communities. Some of those outbursts of violence have been studied with an almost obsessive intensity, others less so, but always from a decidedly partial perspective. Often each episode has been considered individually, occasionally with reference to only a few of the others. Above all, the analysis of twentieth-century violence has almost always been conducted within a well-defined national history - mainly Italian or Yugoslav (Slovenian and Croatian) - a choice that can only give rise to misunderstandings and interpretative distortions. In fact, it is only by applying different points of view at the same time that we can hope to understand the dynamics of a plural territory such as that of the eastern Adriatic, which during the 1900s fluctuated between membership of different states. Furthermore, the convenient versions offered by individual national historiographies only reinforce memories that were already divided and remained so generation after generation.

The author

Raoul Pupo

Raoul Pupotaught Contemporary History at the University of Trieste. He works mainly on Italian foreign policy, the Adriatic border, Italian occupations in the Balkans and forced displacements of populations in Europe in the twentieth century. His most recent publications include: Il lungo esodo (Milano 2005); Il confine scomparso (Trieste 2007); Naufraghi della pace (ed. with G. Crainz and S. Salvatici, Roma 2008); ‘Due vie per riconciliare il passato delle nazioni? Dalle Commissioni storico culturali italo-slovena e italo-croata alle giornate memoriali’ (in Italia contemporanea no. 282, 2016); ‘Logiche della violenza politica nei dopoguerra del Novecento nell’Adriatico orientale’ (in Storia e problemi contemporanei no. 74, 2017). For  Laterza, he is the author of works including: Trieste ’45 (2010), La vittoria senza pace. Le occupazioni militari italiane alla fine della Grande Guerra (ed., 2014) and Fiume città di passione (2018).

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