Edition: 2023
Pages: 186
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842079668

Food As Culture

Massimo Montanari



A gripping essay that delves into and researches one of the most illuminating ways to understand the history of human societies and their development. Jacques Le Goff Food is culture because it has invented and transformed the world. It is culture when it is produced, prepared and when it is consumed. It is the fruit of our identity and an instrument for expressing and communicating who we are. A seminal synthesis by one of the greatest food historians around. 

The author

Massimo Montanari

Massimo Montanari teaches Medieval History and History of Food at the University of Bologna, where he also directs the Masters in “History and Culture of Food”. His books are widely translated in many languages. His last work Il Mito delle origini. Breve storia degli spaghetti al pomodoro (Laterza, 2019) was a bestseller translated into English, Spanish, Greek, German, Hebrew, Slovenian.

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