Edition: 2023
Pages: 222
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842095590

Standing Time for Meatballs and Other Tales of Food

Massimo Montanari


Columbia UP (USA)



A highly enjoyable excursus on the history of food told from the point of view of the brain rather than of the gut. Let me give you one example immediately: bread. This fundamental foodstuff, even if a little neglected in the affluent cultures, is a genuine historical ‘invention.’
Corrado Augias, Il Venerdì di Repubblica

A wealth of traditional know-how, a repertoire of alimentary traditions from the Middle Ages to today.
Edmondo Berselli, La Repubblica

With erudite good humour Massimo Montanari analyses the convivial rites, recipes, philosophical knowledge, and cultures that are happy to mix the pleasure of experiments and new discoveries with the social and ethical experience of sharing.
Antonio Calabrò, Il Mondo

Massimo Montanaricaptures the profoundly cultural dimension of ‘making food’, its power to represent the values, symbols and very identity of the communities that have been nourished by these alimentary customs.
Angelo Varni, Il Sole 24 Ore

The author

Massimo Montanari

Massimo Montanari teaches Medieval History and History of Food at the University of Bologna, where he also directs the Masters in “History and Culture of Food”. His books are widely translated in many languages. His last work Il Mito delle origini. Breve storia degli spaghetti al pomodoro (Laterza, 2019) was a bestseller translated into English, Spanish, Greek, German, Hebrew, Slovenian.

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