Edition: 2016
Pages: 750
Series: GO
ISBN: 9788842053477

History of Food

Jean-Louis Flandrin - Massimo Montanari (a cura di)



Welcome to a memorable historical-gastronomic voyage: from the food of the ancient Romans to the sumptuously laid tables of the Renaissance, from European regional cuisine to the advent of McDonald's. A history of alimentary traditions and food-making techniques, of trade and table manners, written by leading European experts.

The authors

Jean-Louis Flandrin

Jean-Louis Flandrin founded the international review “Food & Foodway” and is emeritus professor at the University of Paris VIII-Vincennes. He is also director of studies at the EHESS. Among his publications translated into Italy are: The Church and Birth Control (Ancona 1988) and Taste and Necessity (Milan 1994).

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Massimo Montanari

Massimo Montanari teaches Medieval History and History of Food at the University of Bologna, where he also directs the Masters in “History and Culture of Food”. His books are widely translated in many languages. His last work Il Mito delle origini. Breve storia degli spaghetti al pomodoro (Laterza, 2019) was a bestseller translated into English, Spanish, Greek, German, Hebrew, Slovenian.

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