Edition: 2014
Pages: 174
Series: EL
ISBN: 9788842093367

Cheese with Pears. History in a proverb

Massimo Montanari


Columbia UP (USA) - Agnes Vienot (France) - Trea (Spain)



“The idea of a book devoted to a proverb may seem eccentric. But the eye of the historian – an eye attentive to reading what is no longer read and what is hidden – proves just how instructive and engaging a similar enterprise can be.” Carlo Petrini, Slow Food

“Putting together cheese and pears means redeeming other cheeses from their humble background and transforming them into food worthy of a nobleman’s table. In order for the game to work, we must not tell the peasants. This is the origin of a proverb that pretends to be about popular wisdom but once unmasked reveals its ferociously class-based mentality.”
Alessandro Barbero, Il Sole 24 Ore

The author

Massimo Montanari

Massimo Montanari teaches Medieval History and History of Food at the University of Bologna, where he also directs the Masters in “History and Culture of Food”. His books are widely translated in many languages. His last work Il Mito delle origini. Breve storia degli spaghetti al pomodoro (Laterza, 2019) was a bestseller translated into English, Spanish, Greek, German, Hebrew, Slovenian.

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