Edition: 1999
Pages: 702
Series: GO
ISBN: 9788842056669

The History of the World’s Economy. III. The age of the industrial revolution

Valerio Castronovo (a cura di)


The «Industrial revolution», which started in Great Britain and from there spread to other European Nations and the United States, was an important turning point in economic and social history. The conditions that determined the rise and development of the process of industrialisation varied from country to country other the period of time concerned, from mid Eighteenth to mid Nineteenth century. Knowledge of these events and of their repercussions both on the distribution of resources and on the power relationships between the different regions of the globe, is essential to understand the origins of the modern world.

The author

Valerio Castronovo

Valerio Castronovo, former full professor of contemporary history at the University of Turin, is editor of the history review “Prometeo”. Among his publications with us: Storia dell’economia mondiale (six volumes, edited by, 1996-2002); Un passato che ritorna. L’Europa e la sfida dell’Asia (2006); Le rivoluzioni del capitalismo (n.e., 2007); Piazze e caserme. I dilemmi dell’America Latina dal Novecento a oggi (2007); Cento anni di imprese. Storia di Confindustria 1910-2010 (20102); Novecento italiano (i.a., 20112).

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