Italian Album. Living together. Towards a multiethnic society
Valerio Castronovo (a cura di)
The new faces of our country portrayed in daily life, at the workplace, attending religious ceremonies and traditional festivals, not forgetting crisis situations and pockets of criminal activity. Between pictures and words, the 'alternative' world alongside ours, the problems of the recent past and potential pathways to future integration.
The author
Valerio Castronovo
Valerio Castronovo, former full professor of contemporary history at the University of Turin, is editor of the history review “Prometeo”. Among his publications with us: Storia dell’economia mondiale (six volumes, edited by, 1996-2002); Un passato che ritorna. L’Europa e la sfida dell’Asia (2006); Le rivoluzioni del capitalismo (n.e., 2007); Piazze e caserme. I dilemmi dell’America Latina dal Novecento a oggi (2007); Cento anni di imprese. Storia di Confindustria 1910-2010 (20102); Novecento italiano (i.a., 20112).
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